
Arnaud Massironi

Arnaud Massironi | Bartender Atlas

Who | Arnaud Massironi
Where | Montréal, Canada
Current Bar | Bar Bootlegger
Past Bar(s) | Milky Way
Favourite Spirit | Gin
Favourite Juice | Pineapple
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Negroni
Favourite Part of the Job | Customer’s satisfaction
Favourite After Work Drink | Beer
Favourite at Home Drink | Americano
Favourite bar in the world | Cloakroom 
Best known for | Seriousness and mechanic bartending move
Favourite “at work” memory | A customer who asked me : Can you make me a mocktail with bourbon base ? humm…

What do you collect? Empty spirits bottles
Favourite thing about your city? All ethnicities are represented, meaning you have worldwide inspirations for food, drinks and flavours
What was the last photo that you took? A syrup recipe from a book
Where is one place that you have never been but would like to travel to? Japan

Prosecco or Cava? Cava
Angostura or Peychaud’s? Angostura
Singapore or San Francisco? San Francisco
Grapefruit or Pineapple? Pineapple

Are you available for freelance gigs? Yes
Find them: Instagram