Who | Beata Maliči
Where | Prague, Czech Republic, Europe
Current Bar | Bartida Degustation Bar and Shop
Past Bar(s) | Mama Shelter Prague
Favourite Spirit | Gin or Whiskey
Favourite Juice | Orange
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Gimlet, White Lady…
Favourite Part of the Job | Upselling people into discovering their new favourite spirits
Favourite After Work Drink | Gin and tonic
Favourite at Home Drink | Old Fashioned
Favourite bar in the world | Super Panda Cirkus (Brno, Czech Republic), Szimpla Kert (Budapest)
Best known for | Being friendly and by my specific kind of humour.
Favourite “at work” memory | Creating a cocktail menu.
What do you collect? I collect memories.. And Cats as pets 🙂
Favourite thing about your city? The atmosphere and the changes. One small road can take you from medieval history to urbanistic modern city.
What was the last photo that you took? My friend trying my new cocktail based on mezcal. I was capturing her reaction to the mezcal smokiness, she tried it for the first time.
Where was last place you traveled? Amsterdam
Lager or IPA? Lager, Pilsner style
Sparkling or Flat? Sparkling
Miami or Mexico City? Mexico City, I guess. Never been to either one.
Olive or Twist? Twist
Are you available for freelance gigs? Yes
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