
Caitlin Laman

Caitlin Laman

Who | Caitlin Laman
Where | Mexico City, Mexico
Current Bar | Licoreria Limantour
Past Bar(s) | Trick Dog (San Francisco)
Favourite Spirit | Mezcal
Favourite Juice | Grapefruit
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Old Fashioned or Martini
Favourite Part of the Job | Getting my ass kicked
Favourite After Work Drink | Pilsner
Favourite at Home Drink | Amontillado Sherry
Favourite bar in the world | Oooh impossible to answer. Depends on my mood.
Best known for | No idea.
Best story from behind the wood | Probably witnessing one of many terrible Tinder dates

What do you collect? Booze I haven’t tasted and books I haven’t read
Favourite thing about your city? That I don’t know yet
What was the last photo that you took? Of a “Make America Mexico Again” hat
Where was your last vacation? Italy
Any claims to fame? Can open a beer bottle with my teeth, have only cracked one tooth

Belt or suspenders? Belt
Fernet or Cynar? Cynar
New Orleans or New York City? Oooh, impossible.
Glass or Tin? Tin

Are you available for freelance gigs? Yes
Find her: Instagram