Who | Chris Cleary
Where | Denver, USA
Current Bar | Bar Fausto
Past Bar(s) | The Squeaky Bean
Favourite Spirit | Plantation Stiggin’s Fancy
Favourite Juice | Pineapple
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Corpse Reviver #2
Favourite Part of the Job | Getting to meet cool people.
Favourite After Work Drink | Coors Banquet and a shot of Fernet Branca
Favourite at Home Drink | Sazerac
Favourite bar in the world | Star Bar
Best known for | I’m probably best known for being a goofball.
Best story from behind the wood | Everyday behind a stick is the best.
What do you collect? Flat brim snap back hats
Favourite thing about your city? The weather, people, and exploding food/cocktail scene.
What was the last photo that you took? A can of Chef Boyardee ravioli.
Where was your last vacation? NYC
Any claims to fame? I have a tattoo of Barf from Spaceballs as a naked sexy pinup girl.
Belt or suspenders? Belt. Only because I have no suspenders.
Fernet or Cynar? Both
New Orleans or New York City? NOLA baby! Where y’at?
Glass or Tin? Tin
Are you available for freelance gigs? If you want me to be…
Find him: I can barely work the Google Machine so the answer is no.
Media: I fly under the radar just like a stealth jet.