
Dylan Maloney

Dylan Maloney | Bartender Atlas

Who | Dylan Maloney
Where | Toronto, Canada
Current Bar | Bar Mordecai
Past Bar(s) | La Carnita, Track & Field, Bangarang, SPIN Toronto
Favourite Spirit | Tequila
Favourite Juice | Pineapple
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Blue Margarita on Crushed Ice
First Classic Cocktail you ever had | Does a rum & coke count? If not, I think it was a Negroni.
Favourite Part of the Job | When guests leave happy and excited to come back because you and your team showed them a fantastic time
Favourite After Work Drink | Shot of Fernet and a bottle of Prosecco
Favourite bar in the world | El Gallo Altanero (Guadalajara, Mexico)
Best known for | Anything Blue?
Favourite “at work” memory | Oh god, there’s so many but they usually involve an after work beer and talking about our night after service

What’s your favourite movie? Emperor’s New Groove
Favourite thing about your city? It’s huge. There is so much to do and learn from everything going on. Anyone that says there’s nothing to do here is mad
What was the last photo that you took? Picture I sent to the guys of the Fortnite victory I got while waiting for them LOL
Where is one place that you have never been but would like to travel to? New York

Aperitivo or Digestivo? Digestivo
Soda or Tonic? Soda
Trader Vic or Donn Beach? Donn Beach for sure
Egg Whites or Vegan Foamer? Vegan Foamer

Are you available for freelance gigs? I am!
Find them: Instagram