Who | Evan Watson
Where | Edmonton, Canada
Current Bar | Bar Clementine
Past Bar(s) | Woodwork, Three Boars
Favourite Spirit | Mezcal
Favourite Juice | Fermented.
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Hanky Panky
Favourite Part of the Job | Taking more out of the people you serve and the drinks you make then they take out of you.
Favourite After Work Drink | A mouthful of banal beer, followed by new natural wines. They are often the perfect non-demanding post-shift wine style, like hearing your favourite song as enjoyable background music. Our market in Edmonton for them is just starting to pop, and being that a large part of our list is ‘natural,’ post-shift is a good time to try new bottles and feel them out with staff. Current bangers: (Arianna Occhipinti Frappato, Marcel Lapierre Morgon, Jean Bourdy Jura Rouge, Chateau Le Puy ’emilen’, Manoir Tete de la Rouge ‘Chapitre’, Pearl Morissette ‘Cuvee Metis’) .
Favourite at Home Drink | Sparkling water.
Favourite bar in the world | Rebelle (NYC)
Best known for | Isn’t this the question that every bartender hates being asked by their patrons? Bartenders aren’t rockstars — I’m probably best known for my dour opinion of rockstar bartenders.
Best story from behind the wood | Serving a couple who were in the process of amicably getting divorced, and being asked to pair cocktails to their current mood.
What do you collect? Books, wine, spirits.
Favourite thing about your city? Our urban river valley.
What was the last photo that you took? A dog.
Where was your last vacation? Jalisco, Mexico.
Any claims to fame? I really love cocktails and wine, and I really love getting you to love them too.
Belt or suspenders? Belt
Fernet or Cynar? Cynar
New Orleans or New York City? New Orleans
Glass or Tin? Glass
Are you available for freelance gigs? Only the lucrative ones.
Find him: Instagram
Media: In Defense of Toil