
Georgi Revazishvili

Georgi Revazishvili | Bartender Atlas

Who | Georgi Revazishvili
Where | Tel Aviv, Israel, Asia
Current Bar | Silon Bar
Past Bar(s) | Geula Bar, Stelmach Bar
Favourite Spirit | Gin
Favourite Juice | Pineapple
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Negroni
Favourite Part of the Job | Helping people have fun and take them always to new adventures with alcohol.
Favourite After Work Drink | Extra cold beer
Favourite at Home Drink | Red wine
Favourite bar in the world | Paravoz Speak Easy (Kiev)

Favourite thing about your city? Crazy night life and the city never sleep
What was the last photo that you took? Behind the bar
Where was your last vacation? Flight to Kiev

Red or White? Red
Cointreau or Grand Marnier? Cointreau
London or Paris? London
Glass or Tin? Glass

Are you available for freelance gigs? Yes
Find him: Instagram