
Laura Dijana Higgins

Laura Dijana Higgins | Bartender Atlas

Who | Laura Dijana Higgins
Where | Toronto, Canada
Current Bar | Pop-Up Event Bartender representing my own brands all over Ontario
Past Bar(s) | Dishwasher to Restaurant Manager from 1980 to 1992. Wine Shop Manager 92-97…then agency owner thereafter.
Favourite Spirit | The Human Spirit — don’t make me choose
Favourite Juice | Fresh
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Gin Gimlet
Favourite Part of the Job | Teaching people cocktail basics to free them up from classic/memorized recipes through personal experimentation
Favourite After Work Drink | Hard Apple Cider
Favourite at Home Drink | THUNDER Toffee Vodka & rare ethnic fruit brandies
Favourite bar in the world | Hart House Restaurant (Burnaby, BC)
Best known for | Amethyst Wine Agency Inc. / Saint Lucia Distiller’s Rum
Favourite “at work” memory | Hart House Restaurant, Burnaby B.C. Where I had an unlimited expense account to try all of their spirits when I was in my 20’s while I played piano waiting for the dishwasher to finish in the kitchen so that I could lock up.

What do you collect? Camels. Seriously, I mean think about it, they have a super-capacity to store fluids. They are like the Tardis of infinite interior liquid.
Favourite thing about your city? I’m not afraid to go out or stay home.
What was the last photo that you took? Local forest in yellow autumn death throws.
Where was last place you traveled? Carp
Any claims to fame? Wine “Storyteller” at annual Halagonian Club Event

Lager or IPA? IPA
Sparkling or Flat? Sparkling Wine & Flat Water
Miami or Mexico City? Halfway point – New Orleans
Olive or Twist? Olive if I’m hungry Twist if I’m not

Are you available for freelance gigs? If my brands are being poured.
Find her: Instagram