
Shannon Michelle

Shannon Michelle | Bartender Atlas

Who | Shannon Michelle
Where | Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Current Bar | Sidecar
Past Bar(s) | The Loft, Mojo No. 4
Favourite Spirit | Tequila
Favourite Juice | Blood Orange
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Mexican Firing Squad
Favourite Part of the Job | Creating an enjoyable experience for people and offering an environment for them that exudes creativity and hospitality. I love the look on someone’s face when they find their new favorite cocktail or spirit.
Favourite After Work Drink | An ice cold Heineken 0.0
Favourite at Home Drink | Topo Chico
Favourite bar in the world | The Double Crown (Asheville, NC)
Best known for | Whipping up an incredible Gin Fizz with staggering height in no time flat.
Favourite “at work” memory | I have witnessed multiple people meet the loves of their lives here, go off and get married, and sometimes they even have their receptions here. I have celebrated anniversaries and birthdays here, congratulated graduates and killer job interviews here. That fact that I can be a part of other people’s happiness and they choose to come in to my bar and celebrate those happy moments with me makes it all worth it.

What do you collect? I love to collect thrift store art and I am a bit of a coffee mug hoarder.
Favourite thing about your city? The community. For being such a large city, everyone is so tight night.
What was the last photo that you took? A picture of my dog, Drake 🐶
Where is one place that you have never been but would like to travel to? I would love to travel to Sicily and gain a deeper understanding of my family’s roots.
Any claims to fame? Currently I am running marketing for Mover & Shaker as well as helping to refine project releases, photo content for our website and Instagram and shipping all orders out to all of our wonderful bartending friends. I am a Camp Runamok Almuni (Fall 18 camper, Spring 19 counselor) and will be returning to Camp again once everything is safe as a Head Counselor. Last year, I helped run our Pin Pals event at Portland Cocktail week with Campari and Mover & Shaker and I have also been apart of the Portland Cocktail Week Distance Learning education series with my partner speaking on Photography & Social Media tips. Most recently I was a top 10 finalist for the Daviess County Bourbon competition and got to share my cocktail over their Instagram story. I love competing, and in the past I have been chosen to be apart of Speed Rack (Southeast 16) and have also won a few major competitions locally.

Prosecco or Cava? Always Cava!
Angostura or Peychaud’s? Angostura
Singapore or San Francisco? San Francisco
Grapefruit or Pineapple? Pineapple

Are you available for freelance gigs? Absolutely
Find them: Instagram | Facebook