Who | Tamara Rose
Where | Dallas, Texas, USA
Current Bar | Parliament
Past Bar(s) | Harlowe MXM, The Mitchell, The Pump Bar (OKC), Sheraton (OKC), O Bar (OKC), Whiskey Cake (OKC), Meatball House (OKC), Goldsby Casino (OKC), Newcastle Casino (OKC)
Favourite Spirit | Rum
Favourite Juice | Any
Favourite Classic Cocktail | All of them
Favourite Part of the Job | Turning someone’s horrible day into a happy one.
Favourite After Work Drink | Boilermaker
Favourite at Home Drink | Wine
Favourite bar in the world | Currently: Shoals (Dallas)
Best known for | Organization
Favourite “at work” memory | Today when my team knocked a huge almost record breaking day out of the park!
What do you collect? Knowledge, emotions, skills, friends, goals, plans, hopes and dreams.
Favourite thing about your city? Still figuring that out, only been here a year so far.
What was the last photo that you took? Today of the checks written before my shift.
Where was last place you traveled? Oklahoma City, OK
Any claims to fame? My family asked me to teach them some new cocktails for Christmas.
Lager or IPA? Neither
Sparkling or Flat? Both
Miami or Mexico City? Both
Olive or Twist? Twist
Are you available for freelance gigs? Yes
Find them: Instagram