I took inspiration from my hometown city when creating this cocktail; each ingredient stands for a different element of the Saskatoon I have known over the past 30 plus years. I started with rye, because the prairies are a huge farming province, but also because rye and cokes are super popular within Saskatoon. The dry vermouth is based on the dry air that fills the city all year round. Cynar is used for the bitter, whiny residents who complain about politics, sports, weather etc. No matter what, it’s either too hot or too cold, etc. The Saskatoon Berry Liquor is an obvious must for a true Saskatoon Cocktail. The city is named for the berry after all. The bar spoon of fernet is for the immigration that has happened over the history of Saskatoon, making the city what it is today. Rhubarb grows like weeds all over Saskatoon, making it the perfect bitter for this cocktail.
1.5 oz Canadian Rye
0.5 oz Dry Vermouth
0.30 oz Cynar
0.5 oz Saskatoon Berry Liquor by Lucky Bastard (can be replaced with 0.25 oz cassis when not available)
a bar spoon of Fernet
two dashes of Rhubarb Bitters
Stir on ice, double strain into chilled cocktail class. Garnish with maraschino cherry.