
Cocktail: Agnes Rose (or Everybody’s Cup of Tea) | Bartender: Dylan Brentwood

This drink is my first ever competition cocktail for Knob Creek Kentucky Challenge 2019 (#everybitearned #knobcreekkentuckychallenge2019). It is a blend of ingredients that tried my patience and were carefully selected from assessing the base spirit nose and palate and pairing it to ingredients. The first result reminded me immediately of cups of tea at my Nan’s house and the legend of her baking skill. My style of cocktail design takes a lot of influence from baking and desserts. As avid student of classic cocktails I wanted this trick to use modern prep techniques and presentation but ultimately build like a classic – or something that could be batches and made service ready. Ultimately it’s a drink that shows the delicate and elegant side of a very flavourful bourbon.

Cocktail: Agnes Rose | Bartender Atlas

45ml Knob Creek Kentucky Straight Bourbon
25ml Cashew Butter Washed White Port*
30ml Lavender Grape Maple Cordial**
2.5ml Maraschino liqueur
3 dash ginger bitters

Build in mixing glass, add ice, stir until diluted, pour into tea cup, spritz lemon oil over drink surface and curl peel into a rose, serve with a Lavender & Cashew Lemon Tea Biscuit.***

*Cashew Butter Washed White Port: coat 1’ deep pan in 500g cashew butter, pour 500ml white port over he surface, rest for 30 hours, pour liquid into blender, blend with 2tbsp of cashew butter, freeze, pour through very fine mesh strainer

**Lavender Grape Maple Cordial: 210g maple, 210g organic Concord grape juice, 70g dried lavender, 35 lemon juice – add all to sauce pan and bring just to steaming point – chill for 16 hours to fully infuse lavender and strain off

***Lavender & Cashew Lemon Tea Biscuit: preheat oven to 300 – combine 4tbsp Port infused cashew butter, 4tbsp all purpose flour, 1 tsp spent lavender, 1 tbsp lemon 1.5 teaspoon sugar in a food processor and blend to form a soft dough. Roll out thin and into rose shapes. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until crispy throughout

Dylan Brentwood
Newfoundland born, proud husband, excited to be learning about everything and all things.
Dylan Brentwood on Instagram