
Cocktail: Flippin Winter | Bartender H

This drink is based on an ale flip, I made four years ago as a Christmas special . However, people loved it so much I had to keep brining it back. It’s for fucking winter only. I will not make it any other time!

Make one yourself, you will understand.

Cocktail Flippin Winter
2 oz – Dark Rum
1 oz – Gingerbread Syrup (Monin is great)
2 oz- Young’s Double Chocolate Ale ( flat)
1 – whole egg

Place all ingredients into a mixing glass or tin (make sure the ale is flat) then dry shake.
Add ice and shake again.
Strain into a mug, tankard

Cinnamon and nutmeg dusting

I am a bartender that is all. Though i am an outstanding entertainer and psychiatrist. For I will always curse and treat all as though they are my best friend , even when you fucking annoy me.
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