I have been digging through old cocktail books lately (why else keep them around if you aren’t gonna reference them every now and then?) and came across some cobbler that used (pretty much only) Brandy and Port. That drink in and of itself was tasty so I decided to dress it up a little.
Aiming to be enjoyed during the cold over the next few months here in Toronto, I combined the above mentioned Brandy and Port with just a little simple syrup and a bitter that is typically associated with a different grape distillate, Amargo Chuncho. Just a swipe of nutmeg on top as a nod to The Bittered Sling finishes the drink off. I used Torres Brandy because I was looking for that robust dried fruit and wood flavour to stand up to the Port and Bitters. You could add a little lemon oil to the garnish part too.
2 oz Torres 10 Year Brandy
0.25 oz LBV Port
0.125 oz Simple Syrup (1:1)
2 dashes Amargo Chuncho
Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass or tin and stir on ice for 25-30 seconds. Strain onto a big cube in a rocks glass and garnish with nutmeg…and/or lemon oils if you want.