Inspired by the fusion concept, NEMO is developed by a combination between the Negroni and the Mojito through a mistake. This drink is to give a message that you need to go through and fix your mistake rather than just walk away. Furthermore, you should try your best to transform it into something useful and inspires for our life.
1 1/2 oz Bacardi Añejo Cuatro
3/4 oz Campari
3/4 oz Vermouth La Copa (González Byass)
3/4 oz Freshly squeezed Lemon juice
Dash of Fee Brothers Black Walnut Bitters
Sprig of mint (15 leaves)
Top-up with Ginger Ale
Add all the ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake well. Strain into a ice filled rock glass and top up with Ginger Ale. Garnish with sprig of mints, plus orange and lemon zests. Served with smile!