
Cocktail: One for the Road | Bartender: Gioacchino Sorrentino

We all want a better planet, so why not have a sustainable cocktail? I’ve created this cocktail by reducing waste and increasing taste. Why waste a product when you can re-use it? A simple but tasteful and beautiful cocktail without damaging the planet.

Cocktail: One for the Road | Bartender Atlas

45ml Coconut Fat-Washed Wild Turkey Bourbon*
15ml Cinzano Rosso Vermouth Storico di Torino
15ml Dom Bénédictine
3 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters
1 dash Saline Solution

Add all ingredients to a mixing glass. Stir until chilled. Strain into a rocks glass over one big ice cube. Garnish with Coconut Cracker**.

*Coconut Fat-Washed Wild Turkey Bourbon: Melt 300 grams of coconut oil in a pan. Remove from heat and stir in 1 litre of Wild Turkey Bourbon. Pour into glass jar and seal. Put jar in freezer for 3-4 hours to allow for infusion. The fat from the oil will become solid and it will separate from the bourbon. You will be left with two layers in the jar: a solid part and the liquid which is the coconut bourbon. Strain out whiskey with a super bag, resulting in a clear liquid. Set aside coconut oil to create garnish.

**Coconut Cracker: Melt leftover coconut oil in pan. In a bowl add 30ml of melted coconut oil, 30 ml of water, 7g of flour and a pinch of salt. Mix until flour has dissolved in the liquid. Head flat pan on stove. Once it becomes very hot, slowly pour a little bit of the mixture to fry. Very carefully twist it with a spatula. After a few minutes you will see the liquid turn into a crispy cracker. This quantity makes 4-5 Coconut Crackers.
(with this quantity we can make around 4 to 5 Coconut cracker).

Gioacchino Sorrentino
Italian Bartender and owner of SoulSalerno Cocktail bar.
Lived and worked in London & Australia.
Sustainable lover.
Gioacchino Sorrentino on Instagram