
La Capilla in Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico

La Capilla in Tequila, Mexico

If you have ever been to Mexico…no wait.

If you have ever seen a film where a scene takes place in rural Mexico, you can picture this bar.
On a dusty road that is barely wide enough to accommodate two cars side by side, you see a tavern with a hand written sign and some lazily turning ceiling fans. You walk in and basically hear a record scratch because you aren’t local.

La Capilla in Tequila, Mexico

This is what La Capilla is like, except when you walk in, you feel like the air you are breathing is electrified. There is an energy in this particular tavern that both invigorates and relaxes you. You notice the aforementioned fans and then as your eyes scan down the walls, you see photos of celebrities from the last 6 decades. Arthur Ashe, Don Knotts, Don Johnson, Sammy Hagar. They all have their arms around the same guy. That guy is Don Javier, and he is sitting behind the bar, just waiting for you to come in. Smiling and genuinely excited to serve you his Batanga. He moves as fast as his 90-something year old frame will let him and he thanks you for visiting.

Visiting La Capilla in Tequila, Mexico is a life-changing event. It’s a moment back in time. There is history here. This place is special and if you are a bartender, you need to visit it.

La Capilla in Tequila, Mexico

La Capilla in Tequila, Mexico

La Capilla in Tequila, Mexico

La Capilla in Tequila, Mexico

La Capilla in Tequila, Mexico


Josh Lindley
Co-Creator at Bartender Atlas
Josh Lindley has been bartending in Toronto since 2007. Before working for Hendrick's Gin as a Brand Ambassador he was bar manager at Campagnolo and a hired gun at Bar Isabel before working at Chantecler, Le Phenix and Eataly. He has contributed to many magazines, tv shows and newspapers with his recipes and opinions. He recently put his diploma in Radio Broadcasting from Humber College to good use through The Blackbird audio documentary. Currently pouring at Civl Liberties and teaching cocktail classes for Evelyn Chick's Love of Cocktails, he enjoys being an ambassador to Toronto and talking about horror movies, punk rock and basketball.
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