
Allie Baron

Allie Baron | Bartender Atlas

Who | Allie Baron
Where | Tucson, Arizona, USA
Current Bar | Saint Charles Tavern
Past Bar(s) | La Cocina Tucson
Favourite Spirit | Depends on my mood and the season. Generally speaking, tequila in the summer and whiskey in the winter.
Favourite Juice | Agave? Or fresh squeezed OJ
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Daiquiri (I know I’m all over the place)
Favourite Part of the Job | Taking care of guests. Talking to someone and being able to dissect what they want from a few pointed questions is so satisfying.
Favourite After Work Drink | Underberg and a Hop Water
Favourite at Home Drink | Topo Chico
Favourite bar in the world | Saint Charles Tavern. It’s my living room.
Best known for | My hospitality
Favourite “at work” memory | My favorite bartner and I would do the simplest things to finish each others cocktail, like adding ice or a garnish, and then loudly proclaim FLAIR!

What do you collect? Enamel pins and vinyl records
Favourite thing about your city? How fiercely proud Tucsonans are of this little city.
What was the last photo that you took? Myself and one of my favorite regulars.
Where is one place that you have never been but would like to travel to? New Orleans
Any claims to fame? Camp Runamok Fall 2018, Speed Rack 2013 top 8, Speed rack 2017 and 2018, Last Slinger Standing 2017, We Jam Econo Tucson 2017, USBG Tucson 2017 Bartender of the Year

Prosecco or Cava? Cava
Angostura or Peychaud’s? Angostura
Singapore or San Francisco? Never been to Singapore!
Grapefruit or Pineapple? Grapefruit because it grows in my backyard

Are you available for freelance gigs? Yes
Find them: Instagram
Media: Badass lady bartender takes a stand against “girly drinks” [VIDEO]