
Emily Bohn

Emily Bohn

Who | Emily Bohn
Where | Chicago, USA
Current Bar | Maple Tree Inn
Favourite Spirit | Tequila Ocho
Favourite Juice | Grapefruit
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Manhattan
Favourite Part of the Job | Making people happy.
Favourite After Work Drink | Margarita
Favourite at Home Drink | Wine
Favourite bar in the world | Erin Rose (New Orleans)
Best known for | Amber Equinox
Best story from behind the wood | N/A

What do you collect? Memories and bitters.
Favourite thing about your city? The diversity of the amazing people who live in it.
What was the last photo that you took? A pop up bar at a friends pool party.
Where was your last vacation? Kentucky
Any claims to fame? Not yet…

Belt or suspenders? Belt
Fernet or Cynar? Cynar
New Orleans or New York City? NOLA!
Glass or Tin? Tin

Are you available for freelance gigs? Yes