Who | Max Bacconnier
Where | Toronto, Canada
Current Bar | Gusto 101
Past Bar(s) | –
Favourite Spirit | Tequila/Mezcal
Favourite Juice | Lime
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Boulevardier
Favourite Part of the Job | Create a memorable experience for the guests
Favourite After Work Drink | Dealer’s choice
Favourite at Home Drink | A nice single malt
Favourite bar in the world | Carry Nation (Marseille, France). They still do the Fernet coin!
Best known for | Speed and Accuracy. And my accent … always a fun game trying figuring out where I’m from
Favourite “at work” memory | I met my girlfriend there…
What do you collect? Rings and watches
Favourite thing about your city? The diversity and the strong community in the industry
What was the last photo that you took? My broken bar drawer that needs to be replaced ASAP
Where is one place that you have never been but would like to travel to? Japan!! Food, liquor, culture I want it all.
Prosecco or Cava? Prosecco
Angostura or Peychaud’s? Angostura
Singapore or San Francisco? Singapore
Grapefruit or Pineapple? Grapefruit
Are you available for freelance gigs? No
Find them: Instagram