
Meagan Hounsell

Meagan Hounsell | Bartender Atlas

Who | Meagan Hounsell
Where | Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Current BarBeertown
Past Bar(s) | West End Social,  Liberty Commons (Toronto), Habitant (Toronto), REDS Midtown Tavern (Toronto), Heritage Grill (New Westminster, BC), The Republic (St. John’s, NL), The Gypsy Tea Room (St. John’s, NL)…. and various others from across the country!
Favourite Spirit | Whisky or Gin
Favourite Juice | Grapefruit
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Negroni
Favourite Part of the Job | It’s a toss up between the creativity and the people!
Favourite After Work Drink | A normal night- a good IPA or a glass of wine. A crazy night- a glass of whisky. Neat.
Favourite at Home Drink | A bottle of wine 😉
Favourite bar in the world | My home town pub – Christian’s Pub in St. John’s, Newfoundland. It’s nothing fancy but the people are always friendly, the atmosphere is great and the staff are like family! Some of the best cocktail bars I’ve been to have been in either Chicago or New York but hard to say which was better!
Best known for | My sass. If you’re talking about drinks… I make a mean sour! Doesn’t have to whisky, I like creating new and interesting flavours with different spirits and syrups!
Favourite “at work” memory | Almost any moment from my first restaurant job. We were the toughest knit work family I’ve had yet! Most of us moved in with each other, the other half dated and we still see each other and stay in touch to this day (that was 14 years ago!) every day I couldn’t wait to get to work and I couldn’t possibly pick a “favourite memory.”

What do you collect? Magnets from place I’ve travelled!
Favourite thing about your city? Recently just moved to Milton but I’m loving how close I am to the escarpment! I love being outdoors and can’t wait to enjoy more of it in the spring. Missing the night life of Toronto a bit but I think Milton will start catching up soon and I can’t wait to be apart of the scene out here once it does!
What was the last photo that you took? A photo of my niece.
Where was last place you traveled? Newfoundland for a visit, travelling though would have to be Bonaire.

Lager or IPA? IPA
Sparkling or Flat? Flat
Miami or Mexico City? Mexico City
Olive or Twist?  Olive

Are you available for freelance gigs? Yes
Find her: Instagram