
Nick Devine

Nick Devine | Bartender Atlas

Who | Nick Devine
Where | Vancouver, Canada
Current Bar | Edna’s Non Alcoholic Cocktail Company
Past Bar(s) | El Camino’s, The Cascade Room, The Union, Main Street Brewery, Charlie’s, Habit, George (all Vancouver), Bacar (San Francisco), Cafe Boheme, Soho House, Alphabet, Amber (all London), Maxwell’s, Cafe Boheme (both Oxford)
Favourite Spirit | Blanco Tequila
Favourite Juice | Lime
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Margarita
Favourite Part of the Job | Creating a great vibe on the bar
Favourite After Work Drink | Lager / Margarita
Favourite at Home Drink | Lager / Margarita
Favourite bar in the world | The Dresden Room in LA (especially with Marty & Elaine playing a set)
Best known for | Being a part of the booming cocktail scene here in Vancouver
Favourite “at work” memory | I always get a kick out of opening nights, all that effort creating drinks lists, training staff, building, painting, stocking … all seemingly at the last minute. That proud feeling of everything coming together…can’t beat it.

What do you collect? Nothing really these days …grey hairs?!
Favourite thing about your city? Love seeing how the bar scene has grown and evolved in my 20 years here.
What was the last photo that you took? My cats “helping” me on my office desk
Where is one place that you have never been but would like to travel to? Thailand
Any claims to fame?Bartender Of The Year 2006 (?), 42 Below Cocktail World Cup 2005 Team Canada…won a few Rematch Beeyatch comps too

Prosecco or Cava? Prosecco
Angostura or Peychaud’s? Angostura
Singapore or San Francisco? San Francisco
Grapefruit or Pineapple? Both

Are you available for freelance gigs? Not really
Find them: Instagram
Media: CBC Vancouver – Bartender serves up line of non-alcoholic cocktail
Rematch Beeyatch Vancouver 2014