
Hospitality Gems: Allison Everett


Bartender Atlas: Where do you work?
Allison Everett: I work at Kiesling in Detroit

BA: Where were you born?
AE: Port Huron. About an hour northeast of Detroit.

BA: How long ago did you move to Detroit.
AE: 7 years ago this year

BA: Where do you go out to eat and drink on your days off?
AE: Ooooh, I’m usually at a dive. Not drinking cocktails on my days off. I’m usually like “a beer and a shot and a burger at Motor City Sports Bar or Kelly’s. Bronx Bar is also my fave. If we are doing a serious date night, Mabel Gray in Hazel Park is a must. Shewolf in Detroit and Vecino is a great spot that just opened up.

BA: What do you do outside of work, not f&b related on your days off?
AE: I play piano. I have been a runner pretty much my whole life so I like to run. And… I’m a sucker for reality TV.

BA: What’s the best piece of advice you have ever gotten? 
AE: A piece of advice that I never follow but is the best: I have to keep telling myself to stop caring so much about what other people think. Just do you. Fuck’em all hahaha.

BA: What is something that you are excited about?
AE: Man…I have had a lot of growth over the last few years and I am excited to see where these doors open to and where they take me. That’s the best part of the gig. It’s constantly evolving me. Which has been a really cool journey to be on. I am excited to keep growing.

Find Allison on Instagram



This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Posted November 24th, 2024