
Hospitality Gems: Freddie Sarkis


This guy is a familiar face to many in the industry! At his core, Freddie Sarkis is a bartender and says that caring for people across a bar still provides him some of my most joyous moments in life. Professionally these days, Freddie works on branding creation and website site design. He is like a stylist for businesses, with a long history in the hospitality space.

Bartender Atlas: Where were you born?
Freddie Sarkis: I was born in the midwest.

BA: What city do you work in now?
FS: Primarily in Nashville Tennessee but I do a lot of moving around.

BA: Where do you go out to eat and drink in Nashville?
FS: We have got a group of really great restaurants. My favourite is probably Kisser which is a little Japanese lunch counter. Once a year or so I try to eat at Bastion which is the best restaurant in Nashville. Maybe even in the mid-Atlantic, it’s absolutely terrific. I also love these silly little crustburgers, they are smashed into something the size of a hockey puck, bun and all at Sean Brock’s burger place called Joyland.

BA: What do you do on your days off or when you aren’t working?
FS: I lift weights six days a week if I can. Health and fitness is a really big part of my life. Ii do a lot of stuff in that sphere. I try to walk a lot. Also cigars. Cigars are another one of my favourite things.

BA: What’s the best advice you have ever gotten?
FS: I have had so much advice given to me and I generally only follow the bad stuff. So it’s hard to think of the good stuff. Let’s go with ‘Pursue Happiness’. That was John Lermayer’s slogan. I think that is the best advice anyone in the world can receive.

BA: What is something you are excited about?
FS: I love to travel and next year I have a lot of really great travel planned. The reason I love to travel is because I love to make friends. Then the problem is, you make friends but they all live in different cities and countries.

Find Freddie on Instagram



This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Posted December 8th, 2024