
George E. Fellows

George E. Fellows

Who | George E. Fellows
Where | Toronto, Canada
Current Bar | Bar Isabel
Past Bar(s) | Los Colibris, Alvinos (Newcastle, UK), Popolo (Newcastle,UK)
Favourite Spirit | Mezcal/Scotch
Favourite Juice | Grapefruit
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Sherry Cobbler
Favourite Part of the Job | Synchronicity with everyone and everything in the room
Favourite After Work Drink | 1 litre water. Still.
Favourite at Home Drink | Manzanilla
Favourite bar in the world | Black Dice Cafe/Free Trade Inn (Newcastle, UK)
Best known for | Gross verbiage
Best story from behind the wood | It’s still ongoing

What do you collect? Books and verbal tics
Favourite thing about your city? The melting pot
What was the last photo that you took? A picture of a tshirt. Wardrobe clash issues.
Where was your last vacation? New York
Any claims to fame? I avoid it.

Belt or suspenders? Belt
Fernet or Cynar? Cynar forever.
New Orleans or New York City? Yes
Glass or Tin? Tin

Are you available for freelance gigs? Probably.
Find him: Not in the slightest
Media: Come to Bar Isabel