
Jen Keyser

Jen Keyser

Who | Jen Keyser
Where | Austin, TexasUSA
Current Bar | Geraldine’s
Past Bar(s) | Midnight CowboyContigo
Favourite Spirit | Bourbon
Favourite Juice | Old Grand Dad
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Negroni
Favourite Part of the Job | Cocktail creation
Favourite After Work Drink | Shot of Fernet and a beer
Favourite at Home Drink | Negroni
Favourite bar in the world | King Bee
Best known for | Mezcal selection
Best story from behind the wood | A few marriage proposals but most memorable would be a couple that actually met at my bar and then returned to pop the question. Very cute!

What do you collect? Anything with elephants.
Favourite thing about your city? Creativity and laid back attitude
What was the last photo that you took? A table set up for a bar event
Where was your last vacation? Denver
Any claims to fame? I used to play roller derby for 8 years. I also make a mean fried chicken.

Belt or suspenders? Belt
Fernet or Cynar? Fernet
New Orleans or New York City? New Orleans
Glass or Tin? Tin

Are you available for freelance gigs? Yes