
Vincent Lyonnais

Vincent Lyonnais | Bartender Atlas

Who | Vincent Lyonnais
Where | Quebec, Canada
Current Bar | Hono Izakaya
Past Bar(s) | It’s my first job in restaurants
Favourite Spirit | Mezcal
Favourite Juice | Lime
Favourite Classic Cocktail | Naked and Famous
Favourite Part of the Job | Trying to craft the perfect cocktail for every client sitting at my bar. Analyzing their taste, what they like, and come up with something different.
Favourite After Work Drink | Ice cold Sapporo beer with some yuzu in it
Favourite at Home Drink | Margarita
Favourite bar in the world | Katana Kitten (New York)
Best known for | Drink shots out of the most fanciest/weirdest glass I can find
Favourite “at work” memory | My first shift behind the bar, thanks Julien Vezina!!

What do you collect? Weird sunglasses
Favourite thing about your city? People
What was the last photo that you took? Me skiing
Where is one place that you have never been but would like to travel to? Japan. For the mountains, the food/beverage and the culture.

Prosecco or Cava? Cava
Angostura or Peychaud’s? Angostura
Singapore or San Francisco? Singapore
Grapefruit or Pineapple? Pineapple

Are you available for freelance gigs? YESSSS
Find them: Instagram